My babies martina mikaela and stina left me yesterday. After spending 17 amazing days together my girls had to head back to Sweden. I love those girls with all my heart and that year we are apart i miss them terribly but it also lets me make every single second i have with them to laugh, sing, party and cry that much more important. Ill be counting down the days till i arrive in Sweded ladies.



with much love jaimie☮

Postat av: martina

jaimie, i miss you soooo much. We had so much fun. I cant wait to see you again!

Love you girl // Martina

2009-07-17 @ 20:07:06
URL: http://mmaartina.blogg.se/
Postat av: stina

jaimie baby, i miss you like crazy. we talk about canada all the time now and i think everybody else is pretty sick of us. but you know what, i dont care. we hade the time of our lifes

2009-07-18 @ 11:50:49
URL: http://stiinanilsson.blogg.se/
Postat av: mikaela

yeah, it was definitely the best weeks of my life!

i miss everyone and everything sooo much..

but we'll see you next year for sure babyyyyyy

2009-07-21 @ 19:44:42

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